Dynamics 365

The Business Benefits of Microsoft Dynamics 365

16th Nov 2018 | 5 min read

What is Microsoft Dynamics 365?

Microsoft Dynamics 365 is the next generation of intelligent business applications hosted in the Cloud, that brings together a unique set of capabilities for businesses. Dynamics 365 contains an amalgamation of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) features. Dynamics 365’s apps include field service, project management and marketing as standard and the option to bolt on operations and financials as below:

The business benefits of Microsoft Dynamics 365

The benefits of Microsoft Dynamics 365 are endless.

  • Added Flexibility: with Applications included that fit all types of industries and businesses. You now have the ability to subscribe to applications specific to your business needs, this allows you to grow your business at your own pace and run your entire business from the cloud.
  • Productive: Dynamics 365 enables seamless productivity by integrating familiar products like Outlook and Excel and surfacing them in the context of business processes, roles and jobs.
  • Intelligent: Using Cortana and Power BI you can now build intelligence into business processes helping employees and customers discover, analyse and apply data to improve decision-making.
  • Adaptable: Dynamics 365 enables businesses to increase the speed of their business processes. By using apps integrated within the Dynamics 365 platform, business leaders can change and evolve their processes in real-time using a modern, consistent, extensible platform and not restricted by legacy technology.

Why consider Dynamics 365?

With Microsoft Dynamics 365, Microsoft offers one complete platform fostering productivity, intelligence and security, which are the three fundamental elements of their Digital Transformation strategy. Dynamics 365 integrates with Microsoft products such as Office 365, Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Intelligence and other third party applications.

What differentiates Microsoft Dynamics 365 as a business platform from respected competitors?

There are several respected business platforms on the market similar to Dynamics 365, that deliver ERP and CRM solutions as well as built in intelligence. However Dynamics 365 offers several advantages when compared to them. We recently explored these in more detail in our useful blog that compares Dynamics 365 to Salesforce and Sage.

1: Integration capabilities with other products

Microsoft Dynamics 365 integrates perfectly with Microsoft Azure, Office 365 and SharePoint without purchasing other development tools and languages for the integration. Current Office 365 and/or SharePoint users already have the advantage given their user adaptability level to the Microsoft user interface. Office 365 and SharePoint compliments and strengthens the core benefits of Microsoft Dynamics 365 with their integration, extracting data and patterns from email conversations to actionable tasks and shared documents. You can read more about the specific features in our useful page specifically dedicated to the features of Dynamics 365.

We advise current Office 365 and or SharePoint users to explore Microsoft Dynamics 365 before deciding a contract for another business platform. Significant savings are made through development and integration stages of the project and most significantly the data intelligence that can be achieved through the smooth integration of Microsoft products.

2: Customer Data, Compliance and Security via the UK data centres

Microsoft have three UK data centres and they offer a backed 99.9% SLA with monthly measurement periods. Businesses who are required to store their data in a specific location, such as within the UK or EU, can rely on Microsoft’s expanding network of more than 100+ data centres around the world. Other similar business platforms to Dynamics 365 do not offer this.

Dynamics 365 builds a foundation for Digital Transformation

You have probably read numerous studies about productivity and multitasking. One of the most prevalent studies is perhaps the 40% productivity loss by switching between business applications while composing a customer email and the experience of an in-between mental block. (American Psychological Association) Microsoft has been reinventing itself for the past two years investing significantly in data centres and product development in the race of Digital Transformation. The mission of “Mobile First. Cloud First” in 2014 has now paved way to The Fourth Industrial Revolution which is The Digital Transformation era, where IT is no longer the definition for Information and Technology but for Innovation and Transformation, in today’s demanding consumer environment.

How can Dynamics 365 grow business?

Sales teams often shift between business apps such as CRM, Twitter, LinkedIn and Outlook during their workday, while marketers have various marketing platforms open at once. With Microsoft Dynamics 365, users can view a dashboard reflecting stats from social media channels direct from the marketing module (due for launch 2017) and as Outlook integrates with Dynamics 365 sales people can produce updated quotes direct from Outlook, which ensures the customer is responded to in the quickest time frame possible. As part of digital transformation, many businesses long to have a unified platform for their business apps. Ultimately, for those at board level, imagine how a transformation like this will affect your business and bottom line.

To find out more about the business benefits and the affordable subscription options please get in touch .

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